A math expression for evaluating in-game. Supports a wide array of basic math functions, as well as some MathHelper functions
Typical usage involves evaluating named doubles in a math equation with matching variable names.
See the Wiki for more details and examples.
Default operations and functions supported:
{constant values} - any double constant value: 5.0
{variable values} - any single-character letter: 'x', 'y'. Must match to the characters the evaluation side expects
{+} - addition
{-} - subtraction
{*} - multiplication
{/} - division
{%} - modulus
{^} - power
{(...)} - parentheses
{sqrt(...)} - square root
{ciel(...)} - round up
{floor(...)} - round down
{round(...)} - round nearest
{ln(...)} - natural logarithm
{log(exp, power)} - logarithm of
to : log(5, 5) is log5(5) {log10(...)} - log 10
{log2(...)} - log 2
{abs(...)} - absolute value
{sin(...)} - sine (radians)
{cos(...)} - cosine (radians)
{incr(exp, incr)} - round incrementally: incr(0.913, 0.1) will return 0.90
{min(a, b)} - minimum of the two values
{max(a, b)} - maximum of the two values
{mathHelper methods} - Expression will reflectively evaluate any valid MathHelper method that takes doubles and returns doubles
0.2.0, min/max since 0.3.7
See also
for use in configs
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.Expression
fun main() {
// raw string math equation "x times 10 raised to the y power
val mathString = "(x * 10) ^ y"
// above math equation parsed into an expression
val mathExpression = Expression.parse(mathString)
//we map x and y to their current values
val mathVariables = mapOf(
'x' to 0.5,
'y' to 5.0
//eval the result, in this case (0.5 * 10) ^ 5.0 = 3125.0
val mathResult = mathExpression.eval(mathVariables)